Saturday, 6 October 2012


SQL - Structured Query Language

A programming language designed to manage and access data in a relational DBMS. Popular SQL version or dialects: MySQL, pgSQL, Microsoft Access

DML-Data Manipulation Language

SQL commands focused on manipulating data in the database. Typical operation include retrieving deleting, inserting and updating data in the database.

SELECT-retrieves data from the database
INSERT- inserts a new tuple(row) of data
UPDATE- modifies existing data in a table
DELETE- deletes tuples (rows) from a table

DDL- Data Definition Language

SQL commands focused on defining database structures or schema in the database. Typical operations include creating schemas, modifying existing schemas, deleting tables and others.

CREATE-creates objects such as schemas, tables, or even users
ALTER- modifies an existing structure in the database
DROP- deletes an entire table including table structure
TRANCATE - deletes all data within the table.

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