Wednesday 29 August 2012

Other SELECT commands

There are other commands that can be used with the SELECT statement, such as sorting distinct values, retrieving data from multiple tables and sub-queries. They can be used with or without the WHERE condition

Note: When using a sub-query in a WHERE condition, the sub-query must only return one result.


Sorting query results in ascending order by attribute
SELECT  <attribute> FROM table ORDER BY attribute;

Sorting query results in descending order by attribute
SELECT  <attribute> FROM table ORDER BY attribute DESC;

Show only unique values of an attribute
SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM table;

Show attributes from multiple tables (pk - primary key, fk - foreign key)
SELECT <attribute> FROM < list of tables> WHERE;

Using sub-queries to retrieve results from another source
SELECT <attributes> FROM < SUB_QUERY>;
SELECT <attributes> FROM table WHERE attribute = < SUB_QUERY>;

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